Hours Calculator

Hours Calculator

Hours Calculator

Find the number of hours and minutes between two times.

Hours Between Two Dates

Understanding the Hour and Time Formats

An hour is commonly defined as 60 minutes, with each minute consisting of 60 seconds. A full day contains 24 hours. Time is typically read using either a 12-hour clock or a 24-hour clock.

12-Hour Clock System

The 12-hour clock divides the day into two cycles, using the numbers 1-12 twice. Many analog clocks do not indicate whether the time is in the morning or evening. On digital clocks, the time is specified using "AM" (ante meridiem, meaning "before midday") and "PM" (post meridiem, meaning "after midday").

  • 12 AM represents midnight
  • 12 PM represents noon

To avoid confusion, the terms "12 midnight" and "12 noon" are sometimes used for clarity.

24-Hour Clock System

The 24-hour clock uses the numbers 0-23, where 00:00 represents midnight, and the day progresses continuously until 23:59 before resetting. This format is widely used internationally to prevent ambiguity.

  • Hours 0-11 correspond to AM hours in the 12-hour format.
  • Hours 12-23 correspond to PM hours in the 12-hour format.

In some countries, the 24-hour format is referred to as military time, as it is commonly used by militaries, emergency services, and global industries where precise, unambiguous timekeeping is essential.

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